Photodynamic Therapy – Modern Acne Treatment

Photodynamic Therapy – Modern Acne Treatment

Photodynamic Therapy – Modern Acne Treatment

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a method that was first used in the treatment of actinic keratosis. In 2000, Hongcharu et al. were the first in the USA to apply PDT in the treatment of acne.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive treatment method that involves the interaction of light and a photosensitizer in the presence of oxygen. One of the photosensitizers used in dermatological procedures is the most well-studied compound, 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), which is applied to the tissue in the form of a gel. The photosensitizer achieves a higher concentration in the diseased tissue.

In the presence of oxygen, the photosensitizer is illuminated with light of an appropriate wavelength, which causes its activation and induces a phototoxic reaction. As a result of the phototoxic reaction, reactive oxygen species are produced, including the most important one—singlet oxygen, which selectively destroys cells in diseased tissues. Singlet oxygen damages cell membranes, intracellular organelles, and cell nuclei, leading to cell death. Simultaneously, tissue repair processes are activated.

For example, in the case of acne, ALA selectively accumulates in the sebaceous glands. Then, under illumination in the presence of oxygen, a phototoxic reaction occurs. Reactive oxygen species lead to apoptosis (cell death), which reduces the size and function of the sebaceous glands. Additionally, the therapy has anti-inflammatory effects and regulates the immune response.

The procedure begins with preparing the skin: washing it and restoring its pH, followed by an appropriate peel—either enzymatic or chemical, depending on the skin’s needs. After the peel, Foto Gel is applied. The formula of estGen’s FOTO Gel is based on 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) with a concentration of over 5%. The preparation is suspended in a matrix of penetration enhancers (glycosaminoglycans, GAG), which allow for faster and deeper penetration of active substances. An occlusive dressing is applied over the gel for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the Foto Gel is washed off, and an active gel or complex gel is applied, depending on the desired effect (acne, wrinkles, discoloration, etc.). Next, the treatment area is exposed to LED light from the Celluma lamp (up to 30 minutes), with the wavelength selected according to the specific skin issue. After the light treatment, the skin is cleansed, and skincare products and photoprotection are applied.

This is a non-invasive procedure and serves as an alternative to treatments that heavily interfere with tissues. During the procedure, several mechanisms are activated in the tissues, the most important of which are anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, and regenerative effects. Performing a series of treatments allows for the simultaneous elimination of several defects, such as:

  • zmian trądzikowych i blizn 
  • zmian trądzikowych i zmarszczek

Therapy using 5-aminolevulinic acid is an extremely effective treatment, with visible results after just one session. EstGen’s FOTO Gel is an alternative to procedures that significantly interfere with tissue structure. It is non-invasive, targets diseased areas, and does not affect healthy tissues.

Photodynamic therapy can be an alternative to isotretinoin therapy in cases of moderate acne or when a patient cannot use isotretinoin due to side effects or contraindications.

Do największych atutów terapii należą szerokie spektrum zastosowania i możliwość wielokrotnego stosowania: 

  • trądzik pospolity
  • trądzik różowaty
  • łuszczyca
  • zmarszczki, fotostarzenie
  • zabiegi anti- aging
  • egzema
  • atopia

Bezwzględnym przeciwwskazaniem do wykonania zabiegu z użyciem Żelu FOTO estGen są: 

  • ciąża 
  • uczulenie na światło 
  • intensywne opalanie się w okresie krótszym niż 4 tygodnie przed zabiegiem 
  • stosowanie leków fotouczulających oraz produktów złuszczających z retinolem, TCA,
    rezorcyną i in. oraz ziół światłouczulających (np. dziurawiec, nagietek) w okresie krótszym niż 4 tygodnie przed zabiegiem 
  • stosowanie peelingów i kremów o działaniu peelingującym w okresie krótszym niż 1 tydzień przed zabiegiem 
  • stosowanie kremów samoopalających w okresie krótszym niż 1 tydzień przed zabiegiem 
  • In the illuminated areas, burning, stinging, and mild pain may occur (these symptoms depend on individual predispositions as well as the light source used during the therapy).
  • Within a period of 7-10 days, depending on individual predispositions, redness, irritation, swelling, and pain may persist, which will resolve on their own.
  • In difficult therapeutic cases, scabs may appear, which should absolutely not be picked off (!); they are a sign of deep skin remodeling and the need for modulation of deep tissue processes.
  • przez cały okres terapii obowiązkowe stosowanie kremu z filtrem min. SPF 50
  • przez 72 godziny od zabiegu bezwzględny zakaz przebywania na słońcu 
  • przez 72 godziny od zabiegu ograniczenie kontaktu z urządzeniami emitującymi światło HEV (z ang. high-energy visible light), jak telefony, komputery, telewizory itp. 
  • przez 72 godziny od zabiegu lub przez cały okres regeneracji skóry, tj. 10-14 dni zakaz korzystania z sauny, basenu, wykonywania intensywnych treningów, także ćwiczeń fitness 
  • bezwzględne przestrzeganie zaleceń pielęgnacyjnych terapeuty, w tym rozpoczęcia
    i/lub kontynuacji innych zabiegów terapeutycznych 
  • zakaz stosowania na własną rękę kremów, maści, preparatów itp. 
  • wskazany natychmiastowy kontakt z terapeutą w przypadku wystąpienia
    jakiegokolwiek niepokojącego sygnału 

For more information please call 665 816 601

Cosmetologist Wrocław

Photodynamic treatment / Acne treatments Wrocław

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